Bridging the asset world with the technology world
Dan Goodwill & Associates’ most recent blog “Technology Comes to the Freight Brokerage Industry in 2016” is a great overview and includes Freightera among other tech companies “bridging the asset world with the technology world.”
“Every few years I like to take a look at some of the new technology-based entrants to the freight transportation industry to see who are the “movers” and “shakers.” While Amazon dominates the headlines, there are a host of other companies doing some very interesting things in the technology space.
This blog will look at some names that surfaced in the past and some of the new players that are taking freight brokerage to a new level. While new technology is being applied to a variety of freight related tasks (i.e. calculating freight dimensions, dock appointment scheduling), this blog will examine some of the companies are actually in the business of moving freight. They are bridging the asset world with the technology world…”
Find the complete article at Dan Goodwill & Associates Blog