Freightera Wins 2021 Company of The Year Award

Freightera won the DotCom Magazine 2021 Company of The Year Award
Freightera team is happy to receive a new award recognizing our impact in 2021. Please read the official DotCom Magazine statement below.
”2021 Impact Company of The Year Awards celebrate shapeshifting entrepreneurs and their companies. When a company like yours makes an impact, not only are you helping your clients, but you are also helping the world become a better place with your selfless commitment to your brand and employees. We are honored to award your company the DotCom Magazine 2021 Impact Company of The Year Award.
At DotCom Magazine, we believe entrepreneurs are the heartbeat of the world in so many ways. We believe it is a world where risk-takers like you must be lauded, saluted, and respected. As an outstanding entrepreneur, you know that nothing is given to you. You know it is up to the entrepreneur to get up every morning and give an amazing effort. You know that every minute of our lives is not guaranteed. Our time is a blessing to be cherished and made the most of.
We hope that making the DotCom Magazine Impact Company of The Year Award 2021 will become a yearly event for you. We know you and your business will go from good to good. Now, more than ever, it is important to focus on your clients and make this the best year that they ever had. After all, that is what entrepreneurs do… we are focused with laser-like vision to do what is best for our clients.
As a 2021 DotCom Magazine Impact Company of 2021 award winner, we know you will be bold. We know you will continue to make a difference. We know you will continue to build. We also know that when you hit a challenge, you will respond with grace and dignity and quite frankly, knock down the brick wall in front of you as you have always done!
In 2021, everyone talks about uncertain times. In 2021, it is the leaders like you that stick your head up above the crowd, and say “we can do this”, “we will get it done”, “we will make this happen”, and “we are willing to pay the price, and “we will turn uncertainly into a concrete block that cannot be knocked over!”
We expect our Impact Company of 2021 Award Winners to lead. That’s exactly why you have been selected. You are a leader. Your company leads. Your business system leads, and you lead by example. It is an honor for us to have selected you. It is an honor for us to have looked at your company and know that it is the people like you that have the awesome responsibility to make the world a better place by bringing more light into the world. Light overcomes darkness every time throughout history. Now is no different. We consider you and your business a lamplighter. Keep up the great work. This award is the least that we can do to thank you. We know that 2021 will be your most impactful year yet.”
Learn more from the interview with Freightera’s co-founder Zhenya Beck had with the DotCom magazine last month. Or sign up here.