Freightera Blog

Heavy Haul, Oversize Freight Transport

February 27, 2017
Heavy Haul, Oversize Freight Transportation - Case Studies Here are 2 interesting projects we worked on recently, with photos of the heavy, large, and oversized loads. Project 1 – Heavy…

New Freight Rates in Ontario Canada

February 23, 2017
New rates for new lanes which connect cities in Ontario to other cities in Canada. - updated January 2021. LTL, 1 pallet, 48” by 48” by 48”, 500 lbs. Cornwall,…

What Will Green Freight Look Like in 10 Years

February 5, 2017
Freightera continues to build the freight transportation marketplace with a mission to transform the whole industry, releases the Green Future of Freight infographic Vancouver, BC Jan 30, 2017. Freightera, the…

New Freight Rates from Calgary AB

February 3, 2017
We updated our system with new lanes connecting major cities in Canada, including Calgary Alberta. Take a look at some of our examples below! LTL - 1 pallet, 48 by…

New Freight Rates from Edmonton AB

February 3, 2017
[Updated June 2023] Hundreds of new lanes connecting Edmonton Alberta to other cities in Canada are in! These freight shipping rates have just decreased again. Examples of new rates include…

New Freight Rates from Montreal QC

February 3, 2017
[Updated June 2023] We updated hundreds of new lanes which connect major cities in Canada. Freight shipping rates between Montréal QC and other cities in Canada have decreased recently. Here…

New Freight Rates from Vancouver BC

February 3, 2017
[Updated June 2023] We brought in hundreds of new lanes connecting major cities in Canada. Rates between Vancouver and other cities in Canada have just decreased again. Examples include: LTL…

New Freight Rates from Toronto Canada

February 3, 2017
[Updated June 2023] Freightera just brought in over 1000 new lanes connecting major cities in Canada. Rates between Toronto & Greater Toronto Area ON, and cities in Canada & the…

Green Future of Freight [Infographic]

January 31, 2017
Updated June 2022.   Please share this infographic on you site by copying and pasting the code below: <a href=""><img src="" alt="The Green Future of Freight Infographic" width="620" border="0" /></a><br…

8 Green Freight Trends to Watch in 2017

January 10, 2017
1. Demand for greener supply chains will be driven by the largest firms Demand for greener freight transport is coming primarily from the largest companies. It’s coming from the Walmarts…

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