Time Is Money – We Will Help You Save Both

The two main perks of using Freightera’s online quoting system are:
- It is much faster to get quotes and book shipments than going through an agent
- It actually does help you save money
1. When you try to get a quote through an agent, your request is in the overwhelming queue of manual quote requests waiting to be processed by our team.
The more requests there are, the slower the response time, and your quote might find you later than you expected.
As opposed to that, our system is fully automated – you can get a quote and book it instantly online. As a matter of fact, we are proud to say that our Quote Machine™ is the fastest in the industry, providing all-inclusive best available rates in 15 seconds or less!
You would also use features like “My Quotes and Favorites” and the “Address Book” to save your completed quotes and shipping addresses, so you don’t have to copy-paste information over and over again. The addresses can be uploaded as an Excel file, so you won’t have to manually enter any of them in the system.
If you have a catalog of products you ship, we are able to upload one for you, so you won’t even have to fill out load information – just simply select the product you ship.
As the ultimate time saver for your company – we are rolling out custom API Integrations and are in the process of launching Freightera’s Shopify integration. This will allow your clients to book shipping with us directly through your own website, with no touch required on your part – which would eliminate the need of coordination from your side – you will be able to spend this time doing something that brings you more value.
Please feel free to discuss these time-saving features with your rep or our Logistics Team (Customer Success Team).
2. Freightera loves surprising and rewarding our clients. For every major holiday, and some minor ones, we share discount coupons with our clients for their online bookings.
To reward you for your loyalty and help us save time to help you, we reward every 5th successful online booking with a discount coupon as well.
On top of that, our Priority Membership plan includes a Buyers Club discount, which gives you a set of discounts for each shipment booked online, based on booking value.
Buyer Club Discounts
Shipments with a net price of $100-$299 receive a $10 discount
Shipments with a net price of $300-$499 receive a $20 discount
Shipments with a net price of $500-$999 receive a $35 discount
Shipments with a net price over $1000 receive a $50 discount
There are more ways for us to help our online booking clients save money, so please feel free to talk to your rep or anyone from our Logistics team about them.
For more information on memberships go to this link: https://www.freightera.com/plans
For more information on how to quote and book shipments online, please watch this 2-minute video. We promise it’s easy. 🙂
Easy isn’t it? Get your instant freight quotes for LTL and FTL online at Freightera now.