At Freightera, we are completely focused on meeting the needs of business shippers. However, we understand that businesses are made of people, and sometimes people need to ship personal items to their friends and family. For such shipping needs, Freightera recommends Canada Post and UPS.
If these services cannot meet your non-commercial shipping needs, we'd like to learn why. Send us a note at [email protected] describing what you’re trying to ship. If we think we can help, or at least offer some moral support (shipping challenges can be tough!) we’ll do our best.
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My Address Book
My Address Book

Warning: Delayed Benefit
After you upgrade, your account’s Buyer Club discount benefits will begin Mar 14, 2025. Buyer Club discount benefits are subject to a frequent change restriction, and your account’s previous membership expired on Mar 14, 2025.
You will receive all other benefits of the upgraded tier immediately.
You will receive all other benefits of the upgraded tier immediately.

Shipping Optimization
We have received your request for scheduling a shipping optimization consultation with our shipping experts!
Our team will get in touch with you shortly.
Welcome to Freightera 2.020!
You can't convert a sub-user with point usage to accounting user. Please try again next month.
Limited Access
We've noticed that this carrier requires limited access check for this particular pickup and delivery address. Please either select another carrier or go back to quote page and make sure that you check limited access for both pickup and deliver address.
If you dismiss this popup you will be redirected back to previous step to select another carrier.
If you dismiss this popup you will be redirected back to previous step to select another carrier.

Overlength Warning

Please package properly
We would recommend palletizing these to get a better quote, and to ensure your freight is well-protected during shipping.
If you decide to palletize, please requote with the correct pallet dimensions.
If you decide to palletize, please requote with the correct pallet dimensions.
Tracking info for PO#
We are processing your tracking request, and we will
send the tracking information shortly to your email
. Thank you for waiting.

Cancel Auto-Renewal for Your Membership
Please provide us with your reason. Select all that apply. This does not affect your account, however, your feedback helps us improve. If you want to discuss this before canceling, please call us or select [Discuss with my Rep] below and we'll get back to you. We may follow up for more feedback.

Cancel Auto-Renewal for Your Membership
Thank you! The request to cancel auto-renewal for your
membership has been received.

Free Trial of SMB Priority
Your account is eligible to upgrade to a free trial of SMB Priority. After upgrading, you will pay no membership fees through October, 2021, after which you will be billed at the regular price of $99/month. To claim your free trial, click the UPGRADE button under SMB Priority.
After you upgrade, if you don't like the higher level of service and the discounts of $10 to $50 on every LTL and FTL shipment, you may return to your current SMB Plus membership for $29/month, or you may cancel your membership at any time.